To ensure that Indigenous Peoples Movement operates with the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and fairness. This policy outlines the ethical principles and behavioral expectations for everyone associated with our organization.
1. Core Ethical Principles:
- Integrity: Act with honesty and honor without compromising the truth in all situations.
- Respect: Treat everyone with courtesy, dignity, and consideration, regardless of race, gender, age, nationality, disability, or other differentiation.
- Transparency: Ensure clarity and openness in our actions, operations, and communications.
- Fairness: Ensure just treatment in all dealings, without favoritism or discrimination.
- Responsibility: Accept and fulfill our responsibilities and consider the consequences of our actions on others and the environment.
- Confidentiality: Protect the privacy of personal and proprietary information.
2. Conflict of Interest:
- All employees and stakeholders should avoid situations that may create a conflict of interest or the appearance of one.
- Any potential conflicts should be disclosed to supervisors or relevant committees for guidance.
3. Gifts and Hospitality:
- Accepting gifts, favors, or hospitalities that may influence judgment or create the impression of influence is prohibited.
- Any gifts or hospitalities received or offered should be reported to supervisors or relevant committees, especially if their value exceeds a set amount (e.g., $50).
4. Protection of Assets:
- All employees and stakeholders should protect the organization’s assets and ensure their efficient and legitimate use.
- Misuse, theft, or intentional harm to assets, whether physical or intellectual, is strictly prohibited.
5. Compliance with Laws:
- Adhere to all local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
- Report any known or suspected violations to supervisors or through appropriate channels.
6. Reporting Ethical Concerns:
- We encourage a culture of open communication. Employees should feel comfortable raising ethical concerns without fear of retaliation.
- Reports can be made anonymously, and all reports will be investigated promptly.
7. Non-retaliation:
- No employee will face retaliation, intimidation, or any adverse action for reporting concerns or violations in good faith.
- Retaliatory actions will be subject to disciplinary measures.
8. Training and Awareness:
- Regular training on this ethics policy will be provided to ensure understanding and adherence.
- All new hires will be introduced to this policy as part of their onboarding process.
9. Review and Amendments:
- This ethics policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.
- Any amendments will be communicated promptly to all employees and stakeholders.
10. Compliance:
- Adherence to this ethics policy is mandatory. Violations may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or association.